To Die For Designer Handbags
They say that the perfect handbag is a girl’s best friend. And what better way to express this belief than to treat yourself with a designer handbag that’s totally to die for. If you’re planning to treat yourself with a designer handbag, here are some fashion brands your handbag collection should have:
A high-end brand that’s well-known for its couture handbags, a Hermes handbag can definitely instill envy among co-workers, sisters, and friends. For the ultimate Hermes handbag, opt for a crocodile-skin bag. Unfortunately, due to the high demand for certain exclusive Hermes handbags, some clients would have to be included in the waiting list.
Another luxury handbag from the same brand is “Hermes Kelly.” Inspired by Monaco’s Princess Grace, this classic handbag simply exudes sophistication and style. Aside from having enough cash for such a luxury handbag, having connections within the fashion world can greatly help since this is a highly sought-after item by the society’s elite.
This international brand is also known for its ultra-stylish handbags that many rich and famous flaunt. If you want to treat yourself with something that’s utterly extravagant, a Gucci handbag is a good idea.
A brand that was made even more popular by the book and movie “The Devil Wears Prada,” Prada handbags are a favorite among the rich and stylish. Due to the popularity of Prada handbags and fashion accessories, it’s not uncommon to find similar designs that are based on Prada’s unique and hip style.
Another designer brands of luxury handbags, Balenciaga bags are also popular in the world of celebrity style. If you’re able to find a Balenciaga bag, don’t hesitate to buy it since some handbags under this brand are so exclusive and are hard to find.
Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton handbags are also a favorite among the society’s elite. For a more whimsical touch, opt for Louis Vuitton handbags featuring iconic logos in different colors set against a white background. This classic creation was a collaboration between artist Takashi Murakami and Louis Vuitton.
Aside from the right cosmetics, makeup products, skin care products, and latest hair styles to achieve a glowing healthy look, a true-blue fashionista should have a designer bag or two in her closet. The latest fashion looks may come and go but a classic designer handbag can jazz up any outfit. if you like to achieve that model look complete with all the high-end accessories, a designer handbag can do the trick.
The Style Group