Five Things Moms Appreciate

Some might think that giving expensive gifts is the perfect way to celebrate Mother’s Day. On the contrary, also simple things in life can be enjoyable. Think about what do we lack the most in our lives? The simple answer is TIME; especially time for ourselves. Since time cannot be wrapped in a gift paper we suggest the following:

A Day Off From Household Chores

If the mother is the one who does the most of the household chores, a break on Mother’s day is definitely earned. Kids can start by cleaning their own rooms. Husbands and teens can clean the house and do the other household chores such as laundry to give moms and wives a break from their usual routine and let them enjoy the rest of the day. A delicious brunch in the bed or dinner could also included to the gift.

A Day at the Spa

Who could resist a whole day of pampering? A day at spa with body massage, manicure and pedicure would be a wonderful Mother’s day gift for any mother.

A Day without Bickering Kids

Bickering is a normal part of any kid’s life but it can sometimes get really annoying. Kids could agree that Mother’s day is a bickering-free day. To make the gift even more remarkable they could commit on a whole week or even a month without any quarrels.

Time for Personal Interests

Moms may get so caught up with their daily routines that they sometimes forget to spend time with themselves and reflect on things. The Mother’s day is a perfect day to encourage moms to do what ever they want, without worries of household chores. For example those who like to read would definitely appreciate a copy of a favorite author’s latest book. Or consider giving a weekend trip to somewhere she can relax. The key message should be: “You deserve to take some time for your self.”.

A Foot Rub at the end of the Day

Who wouldn’t love a foot rub? Massaging feet helps ease tension not only on the foot but on the whole body as well – An Enjoyable and completely free gift!

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