How to shed the post-pregnancy pounds
Losing weight after having a baby can be daunting. A new mom can really be overwhelmed with all of the added responsibilities of having a child and forget to schedule in time for herself. But there is no trick on how to lose baby weight, with just a little forethought, any new mom can add time in for herself to ensure that she lose the weight gained during pregnancy.
Moms in motion
Exercise should be incorporated into every new moms routine. Taking the baby out for a brisk walk or jog is a very easy thing to do and most babies are delighted to be pushed around in their strollers and take in the sights. Joining a moms exercise group can be beneficial for both moms and babies and both will be able to meet new people and stay active. “Moms in Motion” is a great example of a mom’s exercise group that can help you shed the post-pregnancy pounds. There are many local groups across the nation that get together to train for running races such as 5k or 10k’s. If there is not one in your area, you can start one on your own.
Breastfeed and lose weight the natural way
Breastfeeding is one of the most enjoyable and beneficial things a new mother can do. Not only is breastfeeding the best nutrition for a young baby, but it can also help new moms lose weight in a very healthy and natural way after pregnancy. Although it has not been proven, most women’s experience dictates that breastfeeding up to the first year can dramatically increase the chances of losing all the baby weight as long as the mother maintains a healthy diet.
Eating right
For new on-the-go moms, eating healthy can pose a real problem. There is always a diaper to change or a little mouth to feed so new moms often put their own health on the backburner. However, eating right does not have to be time consuming. Just think, to put the children or babies in the car, drive to a fast food restaurant, order food, pay, drive home, and get the kids out of the car, it probably takes a minimum of 30 minutes. There are a multitude of great recipes out there for the 30 minute gourmet. Rachel Ray has an excellent cookbook “30 Minute Meals,” in which she has put together quite a few tasty, easy and really fast meals to help keep you eating healthy even after the baby is born.